As used on xplained pro boards edbgc 0x216a only the microchip device mounted on that board. It has an excellent read range and scanning area, reducing the chance of missing microchips when scanning and increasing the speed with which they are located. Heres a short example showing how you can hard code a software breakpoint sdbbp in your code using a macro. Cdc virtual com port and atmel data gateway interface support varies between different kits. If the halo then scans one of those missing animals, the halo will immediately alert the user that the animal has been reported missing.
The code used to scan the project files and create this view is an opensource. The breakpoint instruction is present in most cpus, and usually as short as the shortest instruction, so only one byte on x86 0xcc, int 3. Software breakpoint require reprogramming of the entire page, hardware breakpoints are recommended for breakpoints that are often modified. The award winning halo scanner is a microchip scanner that reads all animal iso 15 and 10 digit microchips. You can examine the cpu registers epc, cause and try to figure out what happened and where, or you can add your own exception handler to your project which will let the debugger show you the location when it triggers. This is a computer translation of the original content. Embedded debuggerbased tools protocols user s guide.
It doesnt seem to matter whether i have software breakpoints enabled. The microchip debugger allows breakpoints, single stepping, watch windows. It is provided for general information only and should not be relied upon as complete or accurate. Hardware breakpoint and software breakpoint solutions. Scan for build tools scan the environment path and list the language tools.
You need to tell your debugger which device in the scan chain you want to debug. Software breakpoints are in fact set by replacing the instruction to be breakpointed with a breakpoint instruction. There is a shortcut to this menu item in the debug toolbar. The default general exception handler contains a software breakpoint, my guess is that your program has crashed in a manner that triggers an exception. Mplab ide is a software program that runs on a pc to develop. Find answers to hardware breakpoint and software breakpoint from the expert community at experts exchange. Integrated development environment and software tools. When the halo microchip scanner is used with scanner angel software, the microchip numbers of missing animals from a number of databases are downloaded into the halo. If i pause the execution in debug mode without any breakpoints, the progam. What is the difference between hardware and software. This scanners handy size fits right in your pocket, making it a great tool to spotcheck pets for microchips in the field.
Cant debug with mplab x, keep getting an error occured while. File project properties conf default real ice debug options use software breakpoints. When an avr device reaches a breakpoint, the contents of all io registers are read out and presented in avr studio. Unfollow microchip scanner to stop getting updates on your ebay feed. Buy pet microchip scanner halo scanner microchip central. This manual describes the current software version. Quick guide to microchip development tools digikey. Mplab x ide is a software program that is used to develop applications for. Target halted due to software breakpoint in user code.
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